Innovative pharmaceuticals well positioned
Market approval and medicinal product reimbursement
Challenging economic conditions and increasing differentiation of the services provided by payers require accurate strategy planning for the approval and reimbursement of medicinal products and medical devices.
We focus on the optimum positioning of innovative prescription and over-the-counter medicines and advise you on your specific requirements.
Our special core competence is in the management of innovative medicinal products with additional therapeutic benefits. By applying our expertise, we ensure that the added value of your products is exploited for new as well as established target groups.
Our activities include applying for the medicinal product reimbursement procedure at the Main Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions. The strategic advice and analysis we provide includes the selection of relevant studies, adequate comparative therapeutics, presentation of additional benefits and achieving the best price, taking innovative pricing models into account.
We also take on preparation of the forms necessary for the application as well as electronic submission of the application to the Main Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions, not to mention follow-up support and guidance right through to market entry. We will also gladly advise you on your planned market entry into the hospital sector.
Cooperation partner for reimbursement dossiers
Our internationally renowned cooperation partner for health economics, the Institute for Pharmaeconomic Research (IPF), develops and adapts application-specific pharmacoeconomic models and studies. These are essential components for the reimbursement dossier in Austria, especially for all innovative and complex new drug specialties as well as orphan drugs. We therefore can offer you a comprehensive package for a high-quality reimbursement dossier.
Course: Market Access
Would you like to benefit from our expertise and improve your know-how? Then find out more about our modular Market Access course.